MD9904 is an automatic wireless multi-criteria detector able to give alarm in case of smoke or high temperature presence.
Self diagnostic function generates fault condition in case of sensor failure or degradation.
Three different classes of temperature are available:
Class A1: Alarm Thresold 54°C – 65°C
Class B: Alarm Thresold 69°C – 85°C
Class C: Alarm Thresold 84°C – 100°C
The radio module is included in the detector base MD9900-W. The detector has the same features of the wired one, when it is connected to the proper baseplate it is able to transmit its status by a wireless connection.
For the wireless transmission a 6LowPan mesh network is used. Every flame detector in the network works also as router. The network is able to reconfigure itself in order to keep a redundant comunication path at any time.