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MD2010-CU Fire Detection Central Unit

MD2010-CU is a central unit for addressable detectors designed according to EN54-2 standard.

The central unit can work both in loop and branch configuration to fullfit the requirements of the Safe Return to Port rule.

MD2010-CU can be used in centralized systems, in which only one central unit is used, or in distributed architectures in which more central units  are connected by an ethernet network.

The operator can manage the entire system from every central unit.

A connection with the Martec Safe Monitoring and Control System is available. In particular a custom protocol is implemented to increase the comunication speed to MARTEC SMCS (see www.martec.it for more details).

MD2010-CU can drive 16 loop with a maximum of 127 detectors each or 20 branches with a maximum of 180 detectors each.

It provides 3 digital output with standard functions (cumulative fire alarm, two minutes delayed fire alarm, cumulative fault), 16 isolated outputs and 4 isolated inputs with programmable functions.